Read Download Bible Gateway Passage Lookup PDF – PDF Download (2025)

  • 2008-09-02
  • in Bibles
  • Various Authors,

Holy Bible (NIV)

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Author: Various Authors,

Publisher: Zondervan


Category: Bibles

Page: 6637

View: 207


The NIV is the world's best-selling modern translation, with over 150 million copies in print since its first full publication in 1978. This highly accurate and smooth-reading version of the Bible in modern English has the largest library of printed and electronic support material of any modern translation.

  • 1993
  • in Christianity
  • Bible Society

The Holy Bible

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The New King James Version

Author: Bible Society



Category: Christianity

Page: 1311

View: 306


  • 1999-01-01
  • in Bibles


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Publisher: Canongate Books


Category: Bibles

Page: 60

View: 412


The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.

  • 1890
  • in Bible
  • James Strong

The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

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Showing Every Word of the Text of the Common English Version of the Canonical Books, and Every Occurrence of Each Word in Regular Order; Together with A Comparative Concordance of the Authorized and Revised Versions, Including the American Variations; Also Brief Dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek Words of the Original, with References to the English Words

Author: James Strong



Category: Bible

Page: 1826

View: 688


  • 1999
  • in Bibles

The Gospel According to Matthew

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Authorized King James Version


Publisher: Canongate U.S.


Category: Bibles

Page: 100

View: 917


The publication of the King James version of the Bible, translated between 1603 and 1611, coincided with an extraordinary flowering of English literature and is universally acknowledged as the greatest influence on English-language literature in history. Now, world-class literary writers introduce the book of the King James Bible in a series of beautifully designed, small-format volumes. The introducers' passionate, provocative, and personal engagements with the spirituality and the language of the text make the Bible come alive as a stunning work of literature and remind us of its overwhelming contemporary relevance.

  • 1975
  • in

The Greek New Testament

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Page: 0

View: 713


  • 2018-01-22
  • in Bibles
  • R. A. Torrey

Torrey's New Topical Textbook

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Author: R. A. Torrey



Category: Bibles

Page: 540

View: 989


Bible lovers will find a gem in this treasury of scripture knowledge! This brings together the most vast database that opens each person, topic, and section of the Bible to interpretation by Itself! 20,000 topics and subtopics. 30,000 Bible references. Aids to Christian living.

  • 1995
  • in

The New American Bible

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Translated from the Original Languages with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources and the Revised New Testament





Page: 1311

View: 706


  • 1885
  • in Bible

Expository Sermons on the New Testament

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Category: Bible

Page: 312

View: 823


  • 2022-09-20
  • in Religion
  • Charles H. Spurgeon

Faith's Checkbook (Sea Harp Timeless series)

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Author: Charles H. Spurgeon

Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers


Category: Religion

Page: 394

View: 522


Throughout Scripture, God promises the impossible to those who believe. For many Christians, the promises of God have lost their power. Deemed as irrelevant or simply misunderstood, God's promises—of triumph, abundance, redemption, and countless blessings—are often ignored, forgotten, and seemingly unfulfilled. However, for Charles H. Spurgeon, God’s promises were timeless. In fact, they seemed to grow in power and hope over the course of his life. In Faith’s Checkbook, Spurgeon shares his personal experience testing and proving Scripture’s promises and his ongoing discovery of a relentlessly good, kind and faithful God. He urges believers to treat God’s promises as they would a check—to receive them, endorse them and actively "cash them in." Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), renowned 19th century Baptist preacher, is best known for his 1866 publication Morning and Evening. Over 20 years later, Spurgeon wrote Faith’s Checkbook, a yearlong devotional that inspires believers to see and experience God’s goodness. Written near the end of his life, in the depths of a season marked by incredible loneliness, spiritual controversies and health complications, Faith’s Checkbook is full of honest, heartfelt and mature hope. Spurgeon’s breathtaking sincerity and provoking thoughts will encourage believers to: Study and engage God’s promises throughout Scripture Expect these promises to be fulfilled in their daily life Participate by receiving God’s promises and praying for their fulfillment Glimpse God’s boundless goodness and faithfulness Discover a renewed, child-like trust in Him In Faith’s Checkbook, the reader will encounter God’s outstretched hand—through promises of provision, wisdom, fruitfulness, presence and much more—and be invited to respond with hopeful anticipation.

Read Download Bible Gateway Passage Lookup PDF – PDF Download (2025)


How do I look up a scripture passage? ›

Choose a search engine, or go to a website dedicated to Bible study. Type the name of the book and the chapter and verse numbers into the search engine. Type the verse number in the generally accepted format if you can. For example, you'll get more accurate results if you type, "John 3:16," than, "Chapter 3 16 John."

Can I download Bible Gateway? ›

Bible Gateway is committed to making the Bible available to everyone, wherever they are. To begin exploring and understanding the Bible yourself, install the free App.

Can you download from Bible Gateway offline? ›

More than 90 different Bible translations, including NIV, KJV, ESV, NKJV, HCSB, NASB, CEB, The Message (MSG), Amplified Bible (AMP) and many more. Some Bible translations are now available for download to your device, so you can read the Bible when you are not connected to the Internet (Offline Mode)

What is the best free Bible app that reads to you? › – Our Winner: Best Audio Bible Apps for Android

People who want to listen to the Bible and do little else should look at and nowhere else. Users agree with a 4.6 rating in the Google Play Store for this free app.

How can you locate the specific book and the passage in the Bible? ›

Bible passages are identified by book, chapter, and verse, for example, Ex 3:1-4. The name of the book comes first. It is often in abbreviated form. Your Bible's table of contents will help you determine what the abbreviation means.

How to read Scripture passages? ›

Consider your tone
  1. Remember the context. If you are reading a passage like James 5:1-6, you should have a sober tone. ...
  2. Read with feeling. You should read with expression in your voice that reflects the passage.
  3. But not too much feeling. ...
  4. Don't use a “preacher” voice. ...
  5. Be careful not to swallow your words.
Feb 4, 2020

What religion is Bible Gateway? ›

BibleGateway is an evangelical Christian website designed to allow easy reading, listening, studying, searching, and sharing of the Bible in many different versions and translations, including English, French, Spanish, and other languages.

What Bible translation does Gateway Church use? ›

Resources - Gateway Church. Bible Translations: NIV (New International Version), NLT (New Living Translation), ESV (English Standard Version). We recommend using a “Study Bible”.

What is the best Bible download? ›

With over 100 million downloads in 2023 alone, the YouVersion Bible app is the most popular.

Who owns the Bible Gateway app? ›

Formerly owned by Gospel Communications, Bible Gateway was acquired by Zondervan in 2008. It is a part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. The site currently has numerous translation and reference partners.

Which Bible is closest to the original text? ›

Today, most critical editions of the Greek New Testament, such as UBS4 and NA27, consider the Alexandrian text-type corrected by papyri, to be the Greek text that is closest to the original autographs.

What is the Bible app that gives daily verse? ›

Verse-A-Day delivers a new Bible verse each day that engages you with commentary, allows you to select a preferred translation, and provides the ability to share your experience with friends via Facebook or e-mail.

What Bible do Catholics use? ›

The New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition (NRSV-CE) is a Bible translation approved for use by the Catholic Church, receiving the imprimatur of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1991.

What do you have to know to locate a Scripture passage? ›

How to Locate a Passage of Scripture
  • Book. The first step in locating a Scripture is to look for the book title. ...
  • Chapter. The second clue in a Bible reference is the chapter number. ...
  • Verses. Lastly, once you're in the correct chapter and book, it's time to locate the specific passage.
Jan 4, 2022

What is the website for Bible verse finder? › is the largest free online Bible website for verse search and in-depth studies.

How do you reference a Scripture passage? ›

Footnotes, Endnotes, or Parenthetical Citations:

You do not need to include the Bible in your bibliography. When citing a passage of scripture, include the abbreviated name of the book, the chapter number, and the verse number—never a page number. Chapter and verse are separated by a colon. Example: 1 Cor.

Where is search the Scriptures in the Bible? ›

John 5:39-44 NKJV

You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life. “I do not receive honor from men.

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Article information

Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Last Updated:

Views: 5519

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.